Monday, 26 March 2018

Evaluation 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The ancillary texts that my group created were the magazine and poster while the main product was the film trailer. The two ancillary texts were solely created to convince my films target audience to check out the trailer as poster and magazine covers are usually one of the first types of promotion to appear for a film before its trailer is released. To explain this I have create a short, but informative presentation that can be seen below:

The Infinity wars trailer which currently
has 1,407,720 views
As stated in the presentation, while both the magazine and poster are effective advertisement tools they are redundant when compared to the sheer size of the audience that a film trailer can attract. This can be clearly seen by viewing any film trailer on YouTube where even recent trailers such as the The Avengers: Infinity Wars (2018) trailer that came out just over a week ago has already over 1 million views depending on what YouTube channel you view it on.

Social media links on our poster
In addition, we used media convergence by combining old and new forms of media to advertise the film as this would allow it to spread to a wider audience. This is as old media texts such as the poster and magazine cover could be targeted to older audiences who may not use the Internet as much young people as they would read about more information using newspapers and magazines. Whereas new media such as the film trailer could be uploaded to the Internet by using streaming sites such as YouTube to broadcast our trailer to the masses exposing more people to our film than if we stuck with the poster and magazine. We also tried to create synergy through the old and new media by having the poster include social media links that the audience can follow to view the films trailer and watch the films production.

Another thing that we did throughout the 3 media texts was that we tried to build brand identity for our film trailer. This can be seen through the inclusion of the villain in all 3 of them as he is in the poster with his face hidden from sight, he then appears on the magazine with his face revealed for the first time and finally, his full appearance can be seen in the film trailer. We did this so that it resembles that we were leading up to the grand reveal of the villain so that the audience will become more hyped with every appearance of the villain as it builds up to the trailer. This makes the villain a recognisable figure for our film because of how much he appears on the films promotion. Doing this is also conventional to the horror genre as when promoting the release of a horror film you are more likely to see the villain on the all of the promotional material than the main protagonists as they will appear to be more significant to the film than the films protagonist as a majority of them will be killed off in the film whereas the villain will remain until the end of the film.

We further developed the brand identity for our media texts by including similar fonts and colours throughout them as we use a strong red colour for most the text on the magazine and poster and the main title for our film is in red as well.The same colour scheme has been used throughout our media texts because the colour red connotes with themes of blood, death and despair so we used this colour a lot through production so that our target audience would come to associate it with our film. The colour red can also be used to build suspense and tension when they appear because of its association with death as when the audience see the colour red in films most of the time it appears as blood and because of this they will believe that they are about to see a dead body and brace themselves for the shock of it.

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