Monday, 26 March 2018

Evaluation 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Forms and conventions are very important for any film as it allows audiences to be able to recognize what genre the film is by recognizing certain aspects that are only seen in that genre. However, for a film to stand out sometimes they need to challenge currently existing conventions and make their own they may also need to develop these conventions as well so that they are suitable for their genre. This was very important for us as we were creating a hybrid genre film trailer so we needed to develop conventions so that they conformed with both the horror and action genre. Alongside this we also needed to challenge popular conventions that would not fit in the hybrid film trailer which lead to a lot of discussion on what we could use. I have presented what we conventions we had challenged and developed in the prezi below. (If text is to small to view please zoom in)

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